Underhance is exclusively sold online at www.underhance.com. Be the first to know about new collections, restocks, and more by signing up for our newsletter.

We are working hard to do another restock soon. Please, navigate to a product and click NOTIFY ME WHEN AVAILABLE for the desired item to be one of the first notified when it is back in stock.

Check out the Size & Care section to find all size charts and measurements. For a visual guide, go to our Before & After section or visit our Instagram.

Once an order is placed, please allow one to three business days for the order to be packed and shipped from our warehouse. Upon shipment, you will receive an email with your tracking information, so you may track the package online.

Returned items must comply with our Returns Policy.

Once your return package is on the way back to our warehouse the return process has started. When the return is received and inspected, we will notify you of its acceptance or rejection. This process can take up to 5 business days from the date your return tracking information shows “delivered”. Please allow up to 14 business days for the refund to be processed back to your original form of payment.

Provided that it complies with our Returns Policy, you can exchange your garments for any size or item (permitted it’s in stock). Exchanges will be subject to a shipping fee to cover the return cost and reverse duties. Exchange items below AED 340 ($ 92) will also be subject to a shipping fee to cover the new delivery cost to you. You will have to settle the outstanding fees before we can ship your new item.

When returning the product through our website, under notes, please make sure you indicate that you would like an exchange (and the replacement item, size and color you would like to get instead. Remember to return only the item you would like to exchange.

If the replacement is less expensive than the original item, we will refund you the difference. Alternatively, you may refund the original item and then purchase the new, lower-priced item.

Unfortunately, we cannot exchange or refund the sticky pads, protective covers and any items that were purchased on sale or promotion.

Unfortunately, we cannot exchange or refund items that were purchased on sale or promotion.
We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Apple Pay. Your card will be charged once you place an order.
If you receive an item in a flawed or damaged condition, please advise orders@underhance.com prior to sending any return within 7 days of receiving your order. We will process a full refund for the defective item after inspection.

Yes, we do.

Don’t panic, you can send us an email to orders@underhance.com and we will resend you the return label.

You don’t need a big following to participate, we just want genuine people that love our products and want to share them with the world! If you are interested in participating in our influencer program, you can contact us through the Influencer section on our site.

If you are interested in participating in our affiliate program, you can send us an email at hello@underhance.com. Help build a community of ever-expanding customers who advocate for UNDERHANCE!

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